Monday, November 17, 2008

#21. Fun in Appalachia.

Southeast Ohio - name three cities - GO!

::chirp chirp::

Name one city? Exactly my thoughts, as I tried to explain to my friends where exactly I was headed last week with my husband, who managed to get a job interview in Jackson County. People seemed to understand when I said it was near Athens, where OU is located, but by 'near' we're talking 35 minutes southwestish, not quite to West Virigina.

Anyway, while he was away interviewing, I thought I'd busy myself by checking out some local landmarks.

What can I say? Bob Evans is an upscale dining experience in this neighborhood. I managed to find my way to a pretty state park, which the locals informed me was a heck of a lot prettier a few weeks earlier before the leaves all fell, but it was still nice and peaceful.

After my visit to Lake Alma State Park, I went in search of the Leo Petroglyph. This was heavily advertised in all the tourist brochures (ok the one tourist brochure) as one of the finest examples of Native American carving in sandstone.

Make no mistake, growing up, we were the family who took the educational vacations (castles, Washington D.C., Gettysburg, Colonial Williamsburg) instead of the lay-on-the-beach-eating-cheese-fries vacations, so I knew the excitment I was in for. But hey, time to kill and two hours from the nearest mall, so for the sake of my blogging duty and my three loyal readers, I bring you:

Yes, they are what I suppose are carvings in sandstone, but they've been traced in black paint, so other than the ones you can see printed on the sign, it's a little hard to distinguish the Fort Ancient Indians' work from that of more modern Graffiti Hoodlums.
It took, oh, two and a half minutes to view the whole site, which is protected from the elements by a roof and a wooden walkway around it. I know you all think I am just downplaying how spectacular the Leo Petroglyph really is, so if you feel the need to see it for yourself, just be warned that the site closes at dusk. Not that there is anyone within a five mile radius anyway, but the shelter is not lit, so you might have a hard time getting the full effect of the carvings.


Jen said...

I think I've found our next vacation spot! Thanks, Amy!

Emily said...

Athens, Nelsonville, Marrietta. I suppose that's what I get for spending three years down there. I cringed a little when you said the interview was in Jackson County. But, on the plus side, if you at least one of you is making more than minimum wage, you'll probably be some of the richest people in the county...

Mama said...

You're so adventurous! I totally would have read/napped in a parking lot. You made better use of your time!

Amy said...

Em - I knew I could count on you to name some 'cities'! And you are so right - everyone either lives in a mansion on a hill, or a run down trailer. It was so weird!

And Noelle - there was a little Glamour reading in the McDonald's parking lot, but just because I didn't want to get lost again before it was time to go pick up B! ;)

AnnMarie said...

Road Trip!!!